Board of Trustees

Tattnall Square Academy is fortunate to have a Board of Trustees comprised of parents, Tattnall Square Baptist church members, and community leaders who work toward the common goal of establishing TSA as a leading source of high-quality education. Terms of service span three years with new members nominated by a committee within the Board and elected by majority vote. Committees, set up through appointment of members by the Chair, meet outside of regular board meeting and regularly report with recommendations for board approval.
Areas of interest to the committees include facilities, technology, advancement, and alumni. School policy is set using recommendations from department heads and faculty concerns are voiced through the TSA’s senior administration. Board members also actively engage themselves in TSA-related fundraisers, such as the Annual Fund, which are necessary for preservation and expansion of the school.
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees, contact Travis Absher at to learn more about the nominating process.
Mr. Andy Bacchus, '01
Board Chair
Mr. George Monk
Mr. John Fyke
Mr. Scott Brown
Board Development Chair
Mr. Gary Dunagan
Resource Development Chair
Mrs. Amy Hicks, '99
Rev. Russ Criswell
Mr. Greg Clay
Mr. Adam Bailey, '03
Mrs. Rachel Mosely, '02
Mr. Jonathan Tucker
MR. Todd McInnis