1798715_859558904056536_7979952812063258481_nEmily Ivey, a 2012 graduate of TSA, was recently named a Phyllis Dancz Scholarship Award recipient. Dancz, founder of the UGA Georgettes and first Director of Auxiliaries, is credited with establishing a long-lasting tradition of excellence in the UGA Auxiliaries. The scholarship is awarded to auxiliary members who exemplify Dancz’s spirit of leadership, skill, and passion for the auxiliary program.

Now in her junior year at the University of Georgia, Emily is a Psychology major on the Presidential Dean’s List. She is a member of Phi Sigma PI National Honor Fraternity, and is also involved with Camp Twitch and Shout, a camp for children who have been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome.

Emily, along with another recipient, was honored at the UGA v. Vanderbilt Homecoming game this past Saturday. Emily is pictured above with fellow Tattnall alumni, Andrew Braley.