College Counseling

Tattnall Square Academy’s college counseling office provides a supportive environment for students and families to make informed choices involving appropriate college placement by providing resource materials, offering counsel, and assisting in the submission of applications. Recognizing that each child is unique, the office strives to help each student identify his or her strengths, values, and interests before determining which colleges best meet the student’s needs. Support is individualized, proactive, and empowers the student to take ownership of the process. College counseling at Tattnall Square begins early as an incoming freshman. The cumulative process includes parent and student meetings, extensive individual advising of juniors and seniors, and regular communication with students and families.

College Board Code for TSA: 111962

Quick Links for Parents and Students

College Representatives Visiting Tattnall

All visits will take place in Room 100 during Break unless otherwise indicated. The Guidance Counselor will let students know in advance, as well as an announcement will be made over the intercom the morning of the visit, as a reminder. 

Dual Enrollment

Scholarship Announcements & Information Sessions

Several scholarships can be found by using the links below. You may also see Mrs. Thompson for a list of these scholarships.

Search Scholarship Lists

GA Futures Scholarships

College Board Scholarship List


PSAT, SAT, and ACT Test Dates

Test dates are regularly emailed out to parents, by appropriate grade level, with plenty of time for advance planning, by the Guidance Counselor.


Financial Aid